Friday, October 7, 2011

Reading: Population:485

He talks about his life as a firefighter and the dynamics of his town mainly.  He said something earlier in the book about how a family had a lot of children and the dad was a farmer.  Most farmers would have their kids help in the fields but the father said that a lawyer would not expect his kids to help in his practice so why would I expect my kids to help me farm.  I think that is a valid point.  Most kids of farmers talk about the chores and jobs they have to do.  On the other hand, children of parents of other jobs just have to do regular house chores.  There is a sharp curve in a road that is talked about a lot in the story.  People tend to take that curve too fast and then the either roll their car over or go off the road into the field that is next to it.  We are lucky that our roads in Fort Wayne are better constructed so that we do not have problems like that.

The main character gives a little insight on the background and family life of some of his fellow firefighters and the higher ranking officers. They have nicknames such as Beagle and Tricky.  It is cool to see how the comradery is portrayed so easily.  Even though there are some good stories in the book, it is starting to get more monotonous and repetitive.  The author is using less colorful language and adjectives which makes the story less fun to read.

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