Thursday, October 13, 2011

Reading: The Lucky One

There are certain weeks where it is harder to get your reading and blogging done than others.  This is one of those weeks. My friend just gave me The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks.  This is actually the first Nicholas Sparks book I have read.  I have heard mixed emotions about his books but the majority I have heard really like his books.  The main character is Thibault.  Thibault is a former marine who was on tour in Iraq.  While he was on his daily jog one morning, he saw a laminated photo sticking out from the sand.  It was a picture of a girl who was probably in her early twenties.  Although he usually loses, with the picture of this girl in his pocket he won the card game.  When he returned home from Iraq, he decided to take his dog Zeus and go find the girl.  He starts in Colorado and is walking all the way to North Carolina where he believes the girl will be from clues in the picture.

I think it is ridiculous that he is walking across the country to try and find a girl he isn't even sure is there.  It's a total long shot! But in the other sense, it is also romantic.  I love the relationship Thibault has with Zeus.  Zeus seems to understand everything that Thibault says to him.  Zeus listens, does what he is asked, but still has a little bit of an attitude.  This is one faithful german shepherd.  I really want to know why Thibault was so compelled to find this mystery woman.

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