Saturday, November 19, 2011

No more blogging

Well Mr. Hill said that we are done blogging for the semester. Good bye!

Friday, November 11, 2011


When I started this class I was a former reader who had not read in a while.  I did not read any literary books.  I would read a lot during spring break because my Florida house does not have cable.  I started reaading because my dad started me out early.  My dad used to make me do the summer reading program at the library every summer.  When I was younger all of the librarians knew me by name.  During this semester, I started to read a wider variety of styles of books.  I was either hit or miss with books on how I liked them.  Some I liked at first but I then grew bored and uninterested with them.  Others never quite caught my attention.  Then there were the few that I enjoyed reading from start to finish.  Friends would recommend books for me or I would just grab a book in a rush and decide to read it.  I am slightly more likely to continue reading through out the year.  I have a couple of friends that have and love books that other people in this class said were very good.  I am leaning towards one of those books to read.  With school work and other activities it is hard to find time to read. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Reading: City of Bones

Now the issue of sexuality has come into play.  Clary asked Isabelle if Alec was gay.  Isabelle made it clear that Clary could not tell anyone because their parents would disown him and throw him out of the Clave.  Alec is lucky to have Isabelle who supports and takes care of him.  The group then went into Magnus's party where they saw a group of vampires' motorcycles that ran on demon energy outside.  A vampire came up to Magnus infuriated.  Someone had poured holy water into his motorcycle and it was ruined.  Magnus promised he did not invite any of the "Moon's Children," aka werewolves.  Once the vampire left Alec admitted that he and Jace did the prank.  It is funny how something so simple to the normal people was a huge prank in their world.  Later in the story something very bad must have happened because the werewolves came to the vampires lair.  That is forbidden by the Covenant but the reason was that there was about to be a war.  The werewolves came to get Clary.  A wolf broke away from the fighting and Jace helped Clary escape out the fire escape.  Jace then got on a vampire's bike and they fled.  Once back to safety, Alec tried to get Clary to leave.  Alec did not like Clary.  Alec blamed Clary for everything that Jace had done even though it was Jace's idea.  Alec and Clary then got in a big heated argument which made Alec not like her even more.  I think Alec had no right to accuse Clary of what he was.  Then Clary and Jace snuck to the greenhouse to celebrate at midnight that it was Clary's birthday.  Jace gave Clary a witch stone and was actually thoughtful for once which was nice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I want to do this

Reading: City of Bones

Clary finds out that she was not just a weird mundie who could somehow see the shadow hunters and other creatures.  She finds out that she was born a shadow hunter and her mom would have her memory erased of anything related to the other world.  Her mother was trying to protect her but Clary was angry.  This book series is called the Mortal Instruments.  A spell could not be done to reverse the memory erase spell because it could go wrong and ruin Clary's entire memories forever.  As Clary is trying to remember the things she had forgotten, they tell her what the Mortal Instruments are.  They were three items an angel gave the first shadow hunters.  The items were a sword, a cup, and a mirror.  The bad guy in this story, Valentine, is looking for the cup.  The cup is necessary to make more shadow hunters.  That idea of three powerful items being given to people a long time ago is seen in many stories such as Harry Potter that I mentioned in the other blog post.  Harry Potter had the Elder Wand, invisible cloak, and resurrection stone.  That idea was not so original compared to the somewhat original story line.  Simon, and real mundane, was then turned into a rat by drinking a potion.  It was kind of funny how the normal goofy kid gets turned into a rat and gets into the stupid problems.  Although this book could be read and enjoyed by all, this books main characters are teens and is obviously geared more towards teens.  I would catagorize it as a teen fantasy.  I have not really read many of those recently so the change of pace is always nice.

Friday, November 4, 2011


City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

This week: 150

Last week: 150

Total: 1273

Sentences of the week:

1.  "He turned to follow her, tasting the phantom sizzle of her death on his lips."

2.  "Colored lights played over the dance floor, turning it into a multicolored fairyland of blues and acid greens, hot pinks and golds."

3.  "There was a word for him that her mother would have used- insouciant."

The boy who thought this was actually the boy who was killed by the girl so its foreshadowing just for the wrong person.  The second one also described the club very well and I liked the use of fairyland.

Reading: City of Bones

Simon kept questioning Clary about what happened at the night club.  Clary and Simon went to a coffee shop to hear one of their friend's poems.  A girl started to ask about Simon and thought he was cute. Clary tried to get simon to go ask her out but he started insinuating that he liked Clary.  Then Jace showed up to take Clary to the Institute.  There was a doctor named Hodges who wanted to talk to her and figure out some questions.  She is the first mundie to see and know about the shadow hunters for at least a hundred years.  Clary did not want to go with Jace but he forced her.  I think that something must be pretty serious for Jace to force her to go there.  Clary then got attacked by a ravener and killed it remarkably. She got poisoned by that demon and was sleeping for three days. Hodges was aftraid she might die.  After Clary got changed they started to tell her about the shadowhunters home country.  It was called Idris and mundanes or normal people did not know about it. supposedly it was a small country between Germany and France that was protected by spells.  The author has a lot of imagination that shows through in this book.  The plot line so far is very creative.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading: City of Bones

This book is part of the Mortal Instruments series and is going to be made into a movie.  I have also heard a lot of good things about this book!  I also just noticed a pattern about reading books that are movies or are going to be movies.  The cover of the book is very shiny and eye catching which I like.  I sometimes can not help but judge a book by its cover sometimes when I pick it off the shelf.  The book starts out with a group of kids trying to get into an all ages night club.  One of the kids notices a girl in a beautiful white dress being followed by an awestruck boy.  They went into a back room which would have been normal at a club.  What was not normal about this was the body guards that showed up and guarded the door after the two went in.  The book then cuts to inside the room where the girl seduces the boy close and then the girl started to beat him up.  She had tattoos on her arm and the boy called her a shadow hunter.  The girl was named Isabelle but it was the boy who tried to gain some information before he killed the monster that looked like a boy.  That is when Clary walked in.  They called Clary a mundie which I'm not sure but probably means the same as a muggle from Harry Potter.  They were surprised that Clary could even see them.  Simon went in the room after Clary and did not see anyone so Clary pretended no one was there.  That was just a little analysis of the first chapter.  Usually books do not grab my attention for a while.  This book, however, caught my attention right away.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This makes me wish i was longboarding down my street in florida

Reading: The Lucky One

Keith went and told Beth that Thibault had a picture of her.   She was surprised and immediately went to talk to Thibault.  When Thibault admitted he had the picture that she gave to her brother she started to freak out.  She thought the was he used her was sick and wrong.  Her reaction was understandable and she was not overreacting too much.  Thibault should have told her about the photo from the beginning and he started to understand that mistake.  Everyone believed he was a sociopath.  I do not believe he was a sociopath but the whole idea was kind of crazy.  The fact that Thibault gave Ben the picture to help keep him safe made Beth a little less mad when she went to talk to Thibault.  After talking it out, Thibault and Beth made up and decided to still date.  I think this is a pretty big 180 after how mad Beth was and how weird and crazy the situation was.  Keith came to Beth's house and started to attack her.  He was acting crazy and was trying to make Beth kiss him.  Ben saw Keith trying to force his mom to date him again and ran away.  Ben had run to his tree house which takes an old collapsing bridge to cross.  On top of the impending devastation, the river below was flowing extremely fast due to the immense amount of rain that had been occurring all day.  Zeus saved Ben pulling him across the river to safety.  I was afraid that Zeus was going to be killed off by the author and I was happy he made it safely.  Keith did in fact die.  Even after the bad things Keith did, Beth only said good things about him which I think was skewing his memory.