Friday, September 30, 2011

Reading: Population:485

The narrator of the story is a fire fighter in his town.  Their fire department did not have many qualifications necessary to become a fire fighter.  The town is small and has nothing to do.  Their Main Street isn't even busy during the day.  When someone is hurt, they have to wait at least 15 minutes for an ambulance to come from another town because the town he lives in does not have one.  The main character also talks about people who used to live in the town.  He talks about a huge family and one of his friends who died in a car accident because she did not turn a sharp curve and went off the road.  The other part of this book's title is Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time.  After finding out that this man is a firefighter and certified nurse, this title makes a lot more sense.  He recently moved back to this town which is where he grew up.  He is meeting all of the new people in the town each time he responds for an emergency.

A lot of Homestead students whine about how there is nothing to do in Fort Wayne.  There is a lot more to do here than there is to do in most towns.  Those students must not have been to a town in the middle of nowhere or a farming town.  This book brings the boringness of most towns to my attention and shows how we need to stop whining and just have fun and enjoy what we have.

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